May 1, 2019

Papers Please

In “Papers Please” I’m attempting to address an issue that applies to almost all of us at one time in our lives. Usually at the worst possible time – the need to have access to important papers. In the Cold War movies – it’s always at a border crossing in the dark of night, fog shrouded. Someone in a uniform appears and asks “Papers Please”. The papers I am talking about – while amounting to ID in some form are those we need during important “life events”. I’m having one tomorrow. I’m having a defibrillator implanted in my chest to […]
June 27, 2019

Adjusting Your Failure Quotient

In “Adjusting Your Failure Quotient” I’m sharing a recent event that highlights our need to sometimes approach issues from a different perspective – especially when we are frustrated. Much has been debated over the issues of EQ (Emotional Quotient) and IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and the relative importance of each. As a writer I’d like to add another acronym into the mix: FQ. FQ? Failure Quotient. Your ability to handle adversity, disappointment and the inevitable ‘no’s’ you’ll hear as you try to get people interested in your book, your message, your product, your investment strategy and for financial professionals – just […]
January 17, 2020

Status Update – January 2020

In “Status Update” I’m just releasing a mini-episode to bring everyone up-to-date on where Money, Motivation & More. I’d also like to give everyone an update on why I was so inconsistent with the podcast in 2019. 2019 was an odd year – I hadn’t planned on two heart procedures – heck, I really hadn’t planned on one. I’m doing fine, I feel great, hitting the gym regularly. I did three week-long tours of Western Canada in Fall and I’m looking forward to coming to your town somewhere in Canada (or the United States….) in 2020 To those who reached […]
March 5, 2020

In Transit

In “In Transit” I’m sharing some thoughts about movement and moving. The word “transit” is defined as: “the act of passing over, across, or through” and its associated action of “transition” is: “passage from one form, state, style, or place to another”. At any given time, all of us are “in transit” to somewhere or something. On any given day, we transition from being spouse beside the person we wake up next to, to parent of the children we drop off at school, to commuter as we join the workday mobs heading to the office, to employee at the office, perhaps […]
June 3, 2020

The Glass is Half Full (Part 1)

In “The Glass is Half Full (Part 1)” I’m sharing some snippets of a longer conversation that I recently had with Richard Killen, a Licensed Insolvency Trustee with Richard Killen & Associates. Our conversation spanned a wide range of topics centred on the personal finance space and I’m hoping to present a few insights over this and the next episode of Money, Motivation and More. This episode will start off with the insightful question “Just what is the big secret to financial success?”, move along to “How does time become a factor in personal finance?” and wrap up this episode […]