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In Transit

In “In Transit” I’m sharing some thoughts about movement and moving. The word “transit” is defined as: “the act of passing over, across, or through” and its associated action of “transition” is: “passage from one form, state, style, or place to another”.

At any given time, all of us are “in transit” to somewhere or something. On any given day, we transition from being spouse beside the person we wake up next to, to parent of the children we drop off at school, to commuter as we join the workday mobs heading to the office, to employee at the
office, perhaps to employer of the company we run.

Coach, son, daughter, friend, teammate, sister, brother, mentor, etc., we
make these transitions seamlessly (for the most part…) many times a day, week, and year. It’s not these “mini transitions” that I want you to think
about today, but “big transitions”—the ones that affect the direction of our lives, the transitions for which we look to the future, the transitions for which we have the opportunity to deliberately plan (but sometimes fail to do so…).

The definitions both refer to “passage” from one state or being to another and it’s the process that we go through. But knowing that we are “in transit” doesn’t answer the bigger question: “transition to where?”. Let’s start there…. happy listening!

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