november, 2023
07novAll DayWFCU - Your Richly Imagined Future (Windsor)TBD
Event Details
What does "Your Richly Imagined Future" look like? Join Robert and the team from Windsor Family Credit Union on
Event Details
What does “Your Richly Imagined Future” look like?
Join Robert and the team from Windsor Family Credit Union on November 7th for an exciting “live & in person” event. Robert Gignac, author of the Canadian bestseller “Rich is a State of Mind”, will help you answer many important money questions, including:
- What does rich mean to me? Is it all about money?
- Do I really need goals? Won’t the future take care of itself?
- Can I actually have a life while I plan for the future?
- What are the components of a solid financial game plan?
Attend this webinar and learn how to debunk some of the myths of “financial happiness”, such as money will make you happy and solve all your problems or that there’s a magic solution to all your financial challenges.
Robert will look at the role of you, the investor, in the investor/financial professional relationship, from your perspective. He’ll talk about the truths and realities of being a client of the Canadian investment industry.
You’ll be inspired with new ways to deal with life’s everyday events with the larger goal of developing a solid, long-term relationship with your money. After all, you do want “Your Richly Imagined Future” – don’t you?
All Day (Tuesday) EST
Windsor Family Credit Union